Student Council Investiture 2021-2022

Laxmi Memorial College of Physiotherapy organized the Student Council investiture 2021-22 ceremony on the 11th of March 2022. The Ceremony was hosted by Ms. Adithi Kulkarni, 1st year MPT student under the guidance of the staff of Dr. Haripriya S. Our beloved principal Dr. Sanjay Eapen Samuel presided over the ceremony along with Dr. Abhilash PV, Dr. Harish S Krishna Dr. Haripriya.S and Dr. Padmanabhan Suresh Babu Roshan. The ceremony commenced with the invocation of the Almighty and was followed by defining the roles and responsibilities of each council member that was shared by the principal. Thereafter council members were presented with a sash. Sports PT volunteers at Mangala cup 2022 held on 4-6 March 2022 were acknowledged and certificates were distributed during the program. The program ended with the rendering of the National anthem.

Student Council Investiture 2021-2022
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