Laxmi Memorial College of physiotherapy inaugurated the student council committee of 2022-23
on 1st may 2023. The program was started auspiciously by a prayer song followed by lighting of
lamp by LMCP Principal Dr Sanjay Eapen Samuel , Dr.Abhilash PV, Dr PSB Roshan, and
student representatives.
The inauguration was addressed by Dr Sanjay Eapan Samual,Principal, Professor LMCPand Dr
Abhilash.P.V,PRO LMET and Associate Professor LMCP, about the roles of the secretaries
and importance of student’s committee in the college are well explained by them. Dr Libin
George Babu , Ex faculty and Alumni of the college shared about the experiences and wisdom
of being in the committee.
The program was lead forward by assigning the respective responsibilities of newly selected
members of student’s council by handing over the badges. The secretaries received the sash as
the symbol of their designation by the Principal Dr Sanjay Eapen samuel and Dr.Abhilash PV.
The post given to secretaries was made official by Oath taking which was pledged by Dr Vishnu
K Nair coordinator of 4th year followed by the secretaries.
The program was ended with a National anthem.