Laxmi Memorial College of Physiotherapy hosted an awareness program on World Cancer Day, 4th of February 2023 at Ave Maria Palliative Care centre. The event was graced with the presence of Dr. Naveen Rudolf Rodrigues, Consultant Palliative Medicine and Dr. Lavina Noronha, Director of Ave Maria Palliative Care .The program was inaugurated with lighting of the lamp which gave a bright start to the day, the care givers of cancer patients was enlightened with words spoken by our Principal, Dr. Sanjay Eapen Samuel, Dr. Abhilash PV, Public Relations Officer LMET and Associate Professor, LMCP, Dr. Harish S Krishna Professor LMCP. The event started at 10:30am. The entire faculty of LMCP presented a very thoughtful donation to the Ave Maria Palliative Care centre by providing Exercise Therapy Equipments for the patients. It was later preceded with a presentation by Mr. Shivakeerthi Bhat Muguli, PG student LMCP, on importance of Physiotherapy in Palliative care. The event was concluded with a Vote of thanks given by, Ms. Sameeksha Anmal, 4th year BPT student.
Awareness for Cancer Day